Upcoming Events

April 16-19, 2024, World Forum on Early Care and Education, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Race, Racism, Equity and Diversity
Debbie LeeKeenan and John Nimmo will be part of an international panel on Race, Racism, Equity and Diversity.

April 24, 2024, 7:00 pm, South Seattle College Cooperative Preschools, Seattle, WA, Families Engaging in Anti-bias Education: What Kind of World Do We Want to Create with Our Children?
Presenter: Debbie LeeKeenan

May 1, 2024, Sound Child Care Solutions, Seattle, WA. Engaging with Families in Anti-bias Partnerships: Learning from and with Families.
Presenter: Debbie LeeKeenan
Professional Development Day Keynote talk.

June 6, 2024, Balanced Family Academy, Columbus Ohio. A Conversation about  Anti-bias Education
Presenter: Debbie LeeKeenan

June 21-22, 2024, Idaho AEYC Early Learning Conference, Boise, Idaho. Leadership Series
Presenters: Debbie LeeKeenan and Iris Chin Ponte
Session 1: Defining School Readiness –  Shifting the Focus from Child Readiness to School Readiness
Session 2: Observation, Assessment, and Documentation to Support Children’s Learning
Session 3: Welcoming all Families to School